304 stainless hlau ntawv thiab kauj

304 stainless hlau ntawv thiab kauj

304 Stainless Hlau Qib: 0CR18NI9 (0cr19NI9) 06cr19NI9 S30408
Tshuaj lom neeg siv tshuaj: c: ≤0.08, si: ≤1.0, X: 8.0 ~ 20,5, P: ≤0.035 N≤0.1.

Piv nrog 304L

304l yog ntau corrosion resistant thiab muaj cov roj carbon tsawg dua.

304 yog siv dav thiab muaj cov khoom lag luam zoo, kub tsis kam, tsawg kub lub zog thiab cov khoom siv kho tshuab; it has good hot processing properties such as stamping and bending, and no heat treatment hardening phenomenon (non-magnetic, use temperature -196°C~800°C).
Tom qab vuam lossis ntxhov siab, 304l muaj qhov ua tau zoo heev rau intergranular corrosion; it can also maintain good corrosion resistance without heat treatment, and the operating temperature is -196°C-800°C.
Qhov xwm txheej yooj yim
Raws li kev tsim qauv, nws tau muab faib ua kub dov thiab muab faib ua ke, thiab ua kom muaj zog, thiab, martens, nag lossis daus. Nws yog qhov yuav tsum tau tiv thaiv cov xeb ntawm ntau cov kua qaub xws li oxalocour acid, nitric acid, formic acid, acidic acid, acidet acid, etc. Nws yog dav used in industries such as chemical industry, food, medicine, papermaking, petroleum, atomic energy, as well as various parts of construction, kitchen utensils, tableware, vehicles, and household appliances.

Stainless hlau daim phiaj tau muab faib ua kev faib tawm hauv kub thiab txias dua raws li txoj kev tsim khoom, nrog rau cov phaj txias ntawm 0.02-4 daim hlau thiab tuab ntawm cov 4.5-100 hli.
Txhawm rau kom ntseeg tau tias cov neeg kho tshuab ntawm ntau cov paib hlau ua ntej, kev kho mob tensile, kev kho mob storm thiab lwm yam kev kho mob ua ntej xa khoom. 05.10 Cov cim tshwj xeeb
Lub corrosion tsis kam ntawm stainless hlau feem ntau yog nyob ntawm nws cov qauv alloy (chromium, thiab lwm yam lub luag haujlwm yog ua si los ntawm chromium. Chromium has high chemical stability and can form a passivation film on the steel surface to isolate the metal from the outside world, protect the steel plate from oxidation, and increase the corrosion resistance of the steel plate. Tom qab cov zaj duab xis passive yog puas ntsoog, kev xeb tsis kam txo.
Lub Tebchaws Cov Khoom Siv Hauv Tebchaws
Tensile lub zog (mpa) 520
Yield zog (Mpa) 205-210
Elongation (%) 40%
Hardness HB187 HRB90 HV200

304 Stainless hlau yog lub universal stainless hlau cov khoom siv muaj zog tiv taus ntau dua 200 series stainless hlau cov ntaub ntawv. Nws tseem zoo dua nyob rau hauv cov kub ua hauj.
304 Stainless hlau muaj cov khoom lag luam zoo heev thiab zoo hauv kev txhim kho corrosion.
For oxidizing acid, the experiment shows that: in nitric acid below the boiling temperature with a concentration of ≤65%, 304 stainless steel has strong corrosion resistance. Nws tseem muaj cov kev ua kom zoo rau cov kev daws teeb meem alkaline thiab feem ntau cov organic thiab inorganic acids.


Lub Sijhawm Post: Jan-21-2025